Quest Actions

Modular building blocks for your campaign

Layer3 Quest Actions

Actions (i.e. a single Step in a Quest) can be off-chain or on-chain. Read on for some examples:

Educational and Content-based Actions 👩🏻‍🏫


These actions were created for the purpose of adding more interactive content to your Quest. They are also the most flexible!

For example, you could:

  • Introduce your product and its unique features using Infocards
  • Create a survey asking for feedback in a Poll
  • Create a short Quiz to educate your users on your product
  • Verify that a user visited an external link
  • Use a Quiz as a way to solve a hidden challenge or game
  • Use a Poll as a multiple-choice fill-in-the-blank Quiz

On-Chain Actions ⛓️


With Layer3, these on-chain actions can be tracked and automatically verified in realtime across all major chains.

Smart Contract Interaction

Verify that a user interacted with one or more smart contracts. You can specify the chain, contract, time, MethodID and, amount for the interaction.

E.g. Swap at least $10 USDC or USDT after Jan 8 on Uniswap, Cast an on-chain vote in MakerDAO governance

Hold Token

Verify that a user has a token in their wallet. Can specify amount and token type.

E.g. Hold at least $8 DAI on Arbitrum

Hold NFT

Verify that a user has an NFT in their wallet. Can specify contract and type(ERC1155/ERC721).

Example: Hold a BAYC after Jan 8

Use Wallet App

Verify that someone is using a specific wallet.

Example: Must use Phantom wallet to complete this Quest.

Token Transfers

Verify that any amount of a token was transferred from any address to another.

E.g. Transfer at least 1 ETH to vitalik.eth

Other on-chain steps include

  • Hold POAP
  • Tx NOT Done
  • Allowlist
  • & more...

Social Actions 🐣


Social actions engage your community and aid in top-of-funnel marketing on various social channels, including Discord, Twitter, and even e-mail.

Twitter Action

Ask users to follow a Twitter account, tweet a message, like, or retweet a post. Note: Twitter actions are not verified on Layer3.

Example: Tweet “I love web!”, Reply “GM” to our tweet

Discord Server Member

Verify that someone’s a member of your Discord server.

Example: Join UniSwap’s Discord server

Telegram Channel Member

Verify that someone’s a member of your Telegram channel.

Example: Join UniSwap’s Telegram channel

"Connected" Steps

For our “Connected” steps (i.e. Wallet Connected, Discord Connected, Twitter Connected, Github Connected, Email connected, etc.), users can instantly verify such steps after going through our onboarding flow, or by adding these channels to their Layer3 profile manually.

Other 🤖


We have miscellaneous actions created for specific Quests in the past, and custom integrations.

Wait Step

This requires users to wait for a period of time before unlocking the following steps of the Quest.

Example: Hold your deposit for 3 days to unlock the next step

Custom REST Integration

This integrates a REST API endpoint so that we can track custom actions in your product or app that cannot be verified easily through any other methods.

Example: Sign up for Phantom’s newsletter to complete this step

What’s Next

Learn about Layer3 Quest Rewards